Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Start...

Monday,07.30 am

14 hours earlier I had broken up with her..There was not a single feeling of remorse or guilt for ditching a girl like that..Why???? Clueless as i was , i was rolling on the bed waiting for the ""Mike get up"" chant by my mom..And all freshed up after yesterdays' events i woke up and got ready for school..It was a great feeling in the morning..(Hey wait a minute!!..I am supposed to feel Bad!!!)That was when i realized,Love first sight is not love..just mere infatutation..I did learn a lot...Didnt' I??????

School was fun as always and whenever my eyes crossed Rithika's there was this familiar feeling lurking inside me...I gave her a "I dont' give a damn look" and carried on with my work...The school elections were around the corner and it was time to contest for the coveted posts of SPl,Culsec.,etc..My childhood friend Hari was standing for the post and with the amound of popularity he had in school,he was sure to breeze past the elections...I met with Hari,and told him that there was just no way of losing this elections...And at this point,he asked me "man,Y dont' u stand"..Now that was unexpected...I went completely blank nd then told him..."Yeah Probably...Don't know if thats possible with the disciplinary background i have..."Anyways ill give it a shot..

That day,when the teacher was filing nominations,my name went up all of a sudden..."woa...thats Cool....ELECTIONS??Me???..hehee....."

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