Thursday, June 26, 2008


I was unconscious of the fact that my mouth had become a new shelter for the Mosquitoes.I had them opened for so long,that the' mozzies' went into my oesophagus,clearly assuming it to be some sort of play ground.I spit it out,slowly regaining my senses.Hell! There was atleast 3kgs right in front of my eyes!I knew I was in a mess. My eyes refused to come back to normalcy.It didn't require a Ramanujam to figure out that there was a fortune in there.Almost instantly,my mind shifted to the section I loved most,Dream Land....The best part of Dream Land were the girls,and boy they came in huge numbers,clad in the earliest costume known to Mankind (:D).And most importantly,they were HOT.(Yeah ,H-O-T).

Its the only place on earth where :

(a)You want to be the catcher,in a game of Running and Catching.

(b)Even physics lessons turn out to be miraculously interesting.(The Law of equality holds good in DL!)

(c)And you are in total concentration.

The suit case closed on my hands ,Ouch!! My stay@ Dreamland was cut short by the grey coloured "SOB".I was still unsure of what to do with my new acquisition(Like I had acquired Land Rover or something).The returns were huge if I get into the game.But the risks were bigger,and anyways I didn't want to die a virgin!
I moved the suitcase to a safer location in my apartment.(there were only 2 rooms,and the bathroom wasn't inhabited by the rats).I didn't want my house to be filled with Drugged Rats.Not my fault,if they do,cause the Bastards don't smell it before they nibble.How on earth can a living being eat up a man's trousers which haven't been washed for two months??
I took it to the highest location possible in my room,the flush doesn't work in the toilet,and I stuffed the packets inside it.

Clearly,this was too much for my mind to handle,but at the same time Called for Celebration!!!I took a ten rupee note,and stuffed some into it. Slowly I was flying back to Dreamland where the grass is green and girls were pretty.....


Akshay said...

hell man! what have u done to yourself!

Unknown said...

michael seems to hav an innocent mindset... :) ... yet me thinks he the gr8 thinker who plans, then executes & not workin impromptu...

Anerudh Balaji said...

@ shyam, u got tat spot on i guess....

lorenzo said...

wats the law of equality? are u in russia ?