Sunday, June 15, 2008

Turning the Pages...

As I took shelter against the rain,in the road side,i glanced around @ the company i was in...An elderly couple, two college guys colouring the air grey with smoke..I glanced @ the watch.It was 4.45 pm...I had only five hours to find myself shelter for the night..The streets of mumbai were getting tougher to handle by the passing day..Getting greeted everyday by mean eyes , fighting for food , just what the doctor ordered.My life hit an all time low,to put in Stock market paralance...
Its' been 3 days since i came here...And there has been positive that has happened..except for the fact that I had managed to get food somehow...My cash balance was also a cause for worry...I looked around and went to a shop and inquired if there was any job that he could offer....I had already made up my mind for the big 'NO'...It was no big surprise when he gave the answer..That was shop number 60 in 3 days...Now thats a great number...20 rejects a day at an average...GREAT...The rain had stopped and I stepped outside and went to the metro station where I decided to while away the night.......

I lied down..53 rupees and a watch..Thats all I had...I was almost broke...I silently prayed and hoped that God would respond sometime soon...


Unknown said...

this is damn good da! short + bang on target!! am waitin for the next episode in mike's life...

Anerudh Balaji said...

thanks shyam...breaking up into small bits makes the work more interesting i guess!